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I wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate everything you did for me & my family on a very tough day. You all really made something no one wants to deal with into a time of stories, family time and love. Once again, thank you so much for being the kind & compassionate folks you...

I wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate everything you did for me & my family on a very tough day. You all really made something no one wants to deal with into a time of stories, family time and love.

Once again, thank you so much for being the kind & compassionate folks you are and for taking great care of us.

Connie R & Family

December '23


Our daughter passed most unexpectedly while visiting family in Lake Placid. It was a very difficult event, but being assisted by Scott Seawinds provided a measure of dignity, peace, and comfort.

Sandra P

August '18